Cosmetic Dentistry
I hope you’re exploring all the videos in our library, as they offer valuable insights into a wide range of dental topics. Today, I want to focus on cosmetic dentistry and the personalized treatments we provide to enhance your smile.
If you have old silver or gold fillings that you’d like replaced with white, natural-looking ones, we can take care of that. However, if you prefer gold and want to keep or add more, we are happy to accommodate your preferences. Cosmetic dentistry is all about creating the smile that suits you. Some patients desire a brilliant white smile, while others prefer a more natural appearance.
Whether you’re interested in porcelain veneers to instantly straighten and beautify your teeth, Krystal Klear aligners for a subtle orthodontic adjustment, or crowns for teeth with large fillings, we can deliver results efficiently in just one or two visits.
We offer free consultations, and I would love the opportunity to meet with you. Our entire team is here to help design a plan tailored to your needs and goals. Be sure to explore the rest of our video library for more information, and give us a call to schedule your free consultation today!
If you or a loved one is interested in cosmetic dentistry in Buffalo, NY please contact us today to arrange your free consultation with Dr. Todd Shatkin DDS at the Aesthetic Associates Centre.
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