Fixing Gapped Teeth

Fixing Gapped Teeth | Todd Shatkin DDS | Buffalo Dentist

Fixing Gapped Teeth

One of the most common dental issues that people experience is gapped teeth. As the name suggests, gapped teeth refer to when there are spaces between two or more of your teeth. This can cause issues with both functionality and self-confidence. If you’re having difficulty appreciating your smile or using your teeth in day to day life, there may be a solution for you. Fixing gapped teeth is a common request in the dental field, and there are multiple ways to do so. Depending on the severity and number of gaps that you have, your dentist may recommend different treatment options for you.

Causes of Gapped Teeth

There are a variety of reasons that someone can have gapped teeth. Primarily, these are seen between the two front top teeth, known as central incisors, but a gap can be existent anywhere. One of the most common causes for gapped teeth is having a mismatched size of the jaw bones and teeth. In this instance, either your jawbone or teeth are too big or too small for the other, and this results in a gap.

Alternatively, things like tongue thrust, thumb sucking, gum disease, and missing teeth can lead to a gap. Regardless of how your gap formed, there is a treatment option for you.

Dental Bonding Can Fix Gapped Teeth

One treatment for fixing gapped teeth is dental bonding. Dental bonding essentially functions as a filled cavity and it is often considered the quickest and easiest way to fix a gap. This process involves using a resin composite and filling the gap between your teeth, then shaping it to look identical to how your normal teeth should.

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This process is quick and can often be completed in one visit. Additionally, it is non permanent and can be reversed if necessary. If you take care of the dental bonding, it can last a long time.

Dental Veneers

If you’re in search of a more permanent solution for fixing gapped teeth, dental veneers may be a better option for you. Dental veneers are thin layers of porcelain or resin material that sit atop the tooth, similar to that of a false nail.

To apply these, your dentist will take a mold of your teeth and then form dental veneers to match the shape of your mouth and gap. They will then file down the surface, or the enamel, of the teeth the veneers are being applied to.

Lastly, they’ll be attached with a cement-like composite and sealed permanently. Since your enamel is being grinded down and the enamel does not naturally grow back, this option is permanent and cannot be reversed.


A final option that your dentist may recommend is orthodontics. This is often recommended for more severe cases that cannot be fixed with cosmetic dentistry. In this case, your dentist will refer you to an orthodontist to correct gaps with braces. Braces options like traditional metal ones, clear braces, or invisible aligners are available. This way, you don’t have to worry about not having options left.

Get Your Dental Gap Fixed Today

If you have a gapped teeth that is bothering you, either physically or mentally, consider getting it fixed today. If your case is simple, there are easy procedures that your dentist can perform to fix your condition. Looking for a dentist to help you out?

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Dr. Todd Shatkin DDS is experienced and has been working in cosmetic dentistry for over 30 years. As a trusted name in the dental industry, you’ll always receive the proper care. Interested in learning more about how we can help your gapped teeth?

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Instead of being self-conscious, gain confidence by fixing your gapped teeth today!

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