CareCredit Financing

If you struggle with your finances but don’t want to neglect your health care, there are options for you. Typically, with insurance, the insurance company may not cover the full cost of treatment. Because of this, many people avoid visiting the dentist. This not only puts your health at risk, but it can lead to complications in the future. If this sounds like you, consider applying for CareCredit Financing. Unlike any insurance or loan company before, CareCredit focuses on paying the remaining balance of health costs that your insurance company doesn’t cover. This saves you from out of pocket fees and allows you to split the charges up into smaller, monthly payments. Because there’s a lot of information to know about CareCredit Financing, we’ve outlined all the information you need to know about the process below.

How it Works

CareCredit Financing | Aesthetic Associates Centre | Todd Shatkin DDSUnlike the typical loan or insurance company, CareCredit is an actual credit card that you can use to pay out of pocket dental and medical fees. After your application is accepted, you’ll be sent an agreement to sign that states all of the nitty gritty information you’ll need to know. This includes information about interest rates and repayment rates.

The best part about CareCredit Financing is they offer various short-term repayment rates including 6, 12, 18, and 24-month periods. During these, you have no interest accrued as long as you are capable of paying off the full amount by the time period that was established to start. Options for long term repayment is available for costs over $2,500 and allow periods up to 60 months long. For the long-term option, keep in mind there are interest rates as low as 14.9%. Regardless of the term you choose to be best for you and your family, financing with CareCredit can save you from stress I the long run.

How to Apply for CareCredit Financing

If you’re interested in applying for CareCredit financing, you may be interested in the application process. In order to apply, it’s important to read through all of the fine print regarding the credit card. Understand that while this card is used to help you afford treatment, the company is run by larger, for-profit industries and companies. This means that if you miss a payment, they’ll increase your charges and keep taking money from you until you’re fully paid off. If you take an interest plan, understand that eventually, you’ll be paying more than how much the actual cost of treatment was.

If you’re okay with this, applying for CareCredit is simple. All you have to do is go to their website, click apply, and enter all of the requested information. You should find out almost instantly if you’re accepted. To locate providers that accept your CareCredit Financing card, it’s simple. Just search your zip code on their website! A whole list of providers will pop up. Everyone listed there will absolutely accept your CareCredit card as payment. Now, you will no longer have to worry about affording your healthcare!

Apply for CareCredit Today

CareCredit Financing is the perfect option for people who tend to put their monetary state above the condition of their health. If you have neglected your health and dental just because you couldn’t afford it, CareCredit is an excellent option for you. Speaking of affordable, for a dentist that offers free dental consultation and accepts the CareCredit Financing card, visit Dr. Todd Shatkin at the Aesthetic Associates Centre.

Here, we can provide you with cosmetic and implant dentistry to significantly improve the look, feel, and functionality of your teeth. Instead of living in fear or in pain, apply for the CareCredit Financing card today and visit the Aesthetic Associates Centre for a new look.

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