5 Things You Need to Know about Teeth Whitening

5 Things You Need to Know about Teeth Whitening | Todd Shatkin DDS

There’s nothing better than a natural, unreserved smile, especially if the teeth are pearly white! But let’s face the truth: keeping your teeth perfectly white is no less than a challenge. Even if you brush twice a day and follow good oral hygiene routine, your teeth may get stained and discolored from all the food you eat as well as due to the possible build-up of bacteria in your oral flora. This is where the professional teeth whitening procedure comes in! Teeth whitening is perhaps the most popular procedure among all the cosmetic dentistry treatments. But before you book an appointment for one, here are 5 things you need to know about teeth whitening.

How It Works

The procedure of teeth whitening involves bleaching of your teeth to make them lighter and brighter without causing any damage.

You shouldn’t expect the procedure to completely change the color of your teeth – we can’t and don’t want to make you look like Mr. extra-white-teeth-Ross from ‘Friends’!

However, you can surely expect your teeth to go several shades lighter than they are. The procedure is not only easy and non-invasive but it also yields amazing instant results!

The Duration

The teeth whitening procedure is typically very short. You may be happy with the results after just the first session or may require a few sessions to get there.

How Long It Lasts

There’s no specific timeframe for how long the results will last because they may vary from individual to individual.

To enjoy the best, long-term results, you should consider avoiding excessive consumption of certain food items, including chocolates, coffee, tea, and red wine. Apart from this, smoking, wear of the teeth, and the natural dental aging process may play a determining role.

At Aesthetic Associates Center, Dr. Todd Shatkin DDS offers a home teeth whitening kit that you may use post-treatment when your teeth darken over time. It makes it convenient for you to refresh the color of your teeth whenever you want from the comfort of your home!

Possible Side Effects to Know about Teeth Whitening

More often than not, patients tend to experience some kind of sensitivity after a professional teeth whitening procedure. This is common and temporary, as it completely goes away within 48 hours.

Dr. Todd Shatkin may give you some expert tips to reduce your sensitivity and ensure that you’re ready to flaunt your beautiful smile as soon as possible after the treatment!

Maintenance of Teeth Whitening

To prolong the results of your teeth whitening treatment for long, you should consider taking a few maintenance measures:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a toothpaste your dentist recommends
  • Try to avoid consuming sugary food items and drinks
  • Visit your dentist regularly for checkups

Now that you know all the important things you should know about teeth whitening, it’s time to benefit from the FREE consultation session offered by Dr. Todd Shatkin to determine if this cosmetic dentistry procedure is perfect for you.

Boasting over three decade-worth experience in the realm of cosmetic dentistry, he’ll walk you through the entire process while guaranteeing the best results!

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